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Estate Planning

The most complicated area of financial planning is estate planning.

Rest assured that BCFP can provide you with information on how to manage and distribute your estate.

In most cases, BCFP can give you all the information you will need to produce an estate plan. An attorney will need to be involved for some issues even if the plan is relatively simple.

If you require a more complex plan, BCFP can recommend an attorney or you can use your own. We will work closely with the attorney to produce the proper plan for you.

Following are some of the areas that BCFP will cover with you depending on your personal situation:

  • Wills and Trusts

  • Probate

  • Power of Attorney 

  • Gifts

  • Estate Taxes

  • Unified Credit

  • Assets that may receive a step up in basis




� Blue Chip Financial Planning, LLC